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Casey Piscura 1985-2025

Penn Parmenter

By Penn Parmenter:

We lost a young visionary and rising star in the high altitude seed breeding movement last month when Casey Piscura took his own life.  A passionate produce and seed farmer on Sunfire Ranch in Carbondale, Casey provided resilient seed to small farms and home gardeners in Colorado and across the country.  One of his specialties was breeding short-season, nutrient dense, delicious tomatoes. 


He founded Seed Peace, a non-profit dedicated to providing affordable produce to food banks in his surrounding community, teaching young farmers the wonders of regenerative farming methods and seed breeding research.


Casey’s vision of regenerative land stewardship and sustainable agriculture attracted interns and young farmers from all over the world.  He taught and inspired many people over a decade, ensuring that his legacy of a more just and sustainable food system continues. 

Casey was 39 years old.  The agricultural community is heart-broken over the loss of this vibrant, accomplished, hard-working farmer, who was also a talented musician, athlete, and storyteller.  We grieve with his family, friends and countless admirers. 


Wild Mountain Seeds order fulfillment is on hold until later this spring.

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