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December 2021 Newsletter

Jane Shellenberger


Greetings Colorado Gardener Subscribers! I'd like to share some important news about our 2022 publishing season. We were recently notified that printing costs will rise dramatically. Our printer has been very fair to us over the years but supply issues and spikes in the cost of paper leave them little choice other than to raise prices substantially. Our shipping and mailing costs have also increased. We know that many readers still prefer print to screens, so in light of these increases we have decided to continue publishing, but two print issues instead of three: SPRING in mid to late April and HARVEST in late August. (And, by the way, we use non-toxic paper and soy-based ink so you can safely use old issues to suppress weeds in your garden!)

The cost for a two-issue mailed subscription will be $15. This will also include our semi-regular e-newsletters. For those of you who subscribed or renewed recently at the $15 FOR 3 ISSUES rate, if you'd like to request a $5 refund you can do so by emailing us at

And don't forget that last spring we completely renovated our website where we post the entire current and many previous issues, as well as individual articles and more.

I hope this finds you well and that you have a warm and peaceful holiday season. It doesn't feel much like winter on the Front Range yet and the days will start getting longer again very soon. Hopefully we'll get our more typical February, March and April snow in 2022.

All the best, Jane Shellenberger Editor, Colorado Gardener

Enjoy some seasonal photos below:

Fox Shoes

Fox Shoe Collection

Catherine Long Gates and Dennis Gates with a collection of shoes that resident foxes at Long’s Iris Gardens in Boulder snatched off of porches and lawns in the surrounding neighborhood and brought “home” for their kits to play with. (This was before the mange hit Boulder County so hard, decimating the fox population.)

Helleborus Orientalis

Hellebores are one of the earliest blooming and longest lasting spring flowers. The bracts persist for months. In my Hygiene, CO garden they have been adaptable to sun and shade, require very little water once established, and seed around nicely without taking over.

A few frosty ornamental grasses can transform a winter parking lot.

Fun in the Garden

We love this veggie garden carrot foot surprise!



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